You can help The Arc in so many ways. We offer a variety of options to support our work for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
Hosting a donation drive or donation party for Arc’s Value Village is a great way to bring friends together for a great cause. We’ll provide everything you need for a successful event!
We love our business donors! Do you know of a business with excess inventory to donate? It’s tax deductible, and we provide free donation pick-up for businesses. Businesses can free up valuable storage space, get a tax deduction and reduce trash costs – just by calling Arc’s Value Village.
Partner With a Trusted Community Organization
We’ve been serving the needs of people with disabilities and their families for decades. Your business donations help us provide the vitally needed services that so many depend on.
Contact Donor Service
We’ll help you make your donation drive or business donation a success. We also accept in-kind donations of meeting or event space, warehouse space, printing services, office supplies, frequent flyer miles and other items.
Donate Online
You can also make a tax-deductible, cash donation through our secure online service.